Bridgtown Primary School

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North Street, Bridgtown, Cannock, Staffordshire, WS11 0AZ

01543 227100

Bridgtown Primary School


  1. Pupils
  2. Kindness Heroes

Kindness Heroes

We currently have 8 Kindness Heroes from Year 6 and 4 from Year 2. They are a team of children who have all received official training in Mental Health and Wellbeing from our Education Mental Health Practitioner. They are here to help, support and advise all of their peers.


The Kindness Heroes meet once a month with Raveena our Education Mental Health Practitioner (EMHP) to discuss what has gone well and to discuss any worries or concerns that have arisen through discussion within their classes.


The Kindness Heroes have presented their own assembly to the rest of school, where they taught everyone some happy breathing and explained what their role in school is.




The group also now work on a rota basis being "on duty" on the playground at all break times.  Kindness Heroes wear their own purple lanyards and their role is to ensure everyone is happy.  They also have a range of different wellbeing activities that they can run, including mindfulness, breathing activities and even joke telling!